When the Fifth Chakra is blocked, issues stemming from Low self esteem and the inability to express one's self clearly are present. "Holding back" the truth and an inability or reluctance to bring forth the qualities that were revealed in the transformation of the heart into language are also pervasive issues. Opening the Fifth Chakra encourages the expression of the next step in fulfilling your purpose---being present with what your essential self thinks, believes and feels and developing the ability to speak from this place of unity and truth.
This music video of "Come As You Are" by Nirvana is played in the key of G. More music in the key of G can be found on this list of compositions in the key of G, and also Jazz compositions in the key of G.
This energetic clearing can be used on yourself, or you can use this technique easily with others. In our years of experience with thousands of individuals around the world, it appears that our chakras are imprinted from the inside - out. At Britta Jean you can learn more about.